It is a heart-warming bouquet arrangement of 24 bright yellow ecuadorian roses surrounded by eucalyptus and gypsophillias to complete the look. Skillfully wrapped with frosted white korean wrapper and matte gold ribbon, which gives it even more pleasant feel, this is an ideal presentation for someone towards whom you wish to express your love and respect, as yellow roses carry that message undeniably. To make it more expressive, write your personal note on the beautiful greeting accompanied with the arrangement.
Delivery Area: Metro Manila, Antipolo, Taytay, Angono, Cainta, Bulacan, Laguna. Shipping charge may apply. For outside Metro Manila please call customer service to check if the area is serviceable. Important Reminder: Since flowers are seasonal products, merchant reserves the right to replace items with another of equal or higher value. Prices are also subject to changes without prior notice especially on special occasion such as Valentine’s day and Mother’s day. (Sender will be notified of such changes) Certain flower arrangement may also not be available in all provinces or area in the Philippines. (Special request can be arrange but prices may differ)